Friday, August 22, 2008

Giddy up!

Well, I'm really doing this! It's finally sinking in and I must admit, I'm a bit nervous. My mom is on her way to help me pack because once again, I've procrastinated! My last day at work is August 29th, I have to be out of my apartment August 31st, and I fly to Vienna September 3rd. I have a lot to do to get ready.

While away, I will do my best to update my blog every couple of days so everyone can share the experiences with me. When I get to some of the more remote places I am guessing internet access will be limited, but I'll try to give everyone a heads up beforehand so that no one worries about my safety.

Speaking of safety, many of you have expressed concern for my safety. Please know that I will be careful and will remain aware of my surroundings at all times. I have purchased a UK cell phone which works in 170 countries, so I should be good. I'm not worried, if anyone can do this, it's me :-)

I'll write again before take-off. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

As you regroup and try to figure things out please think about where it all began and how it was possible for you to be where you are today, I am talking about a very personal spiritual journey, also think about what happens when you take that last step of the journey. Keep your eyes up and on the lord as he will direct your paths, as always I support you and love you for the beautiful person you are, unconditionally and wholehearted love from Aunt Kat

"Always Thinking..." xGeoph™ Ray said...

Looking forward to the great writing of Jenni DeFouw! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Good-bye, Jenni! You take Care. We will be checking your blog daily.
Aunt Betty DF

Anonymous said...

go!go!go! Jenni! You can do it. go out there to bring a lot of fun stories back to us!

Anonymous said...

Go baby go! Watch out for those crows! ;)