Monday, September 8, 2008

Ahoj from Slovakia!

Hello everyone! Hope all is well with you. I am doing great. I LOVED Bratislava, it was absolutely amazing. I spent a few days there, which is plenty for checking things out. It is a relatively small city...population 500,000. There is the Old Town portion of the city that is so charming. Then as you venture away from the center of town you really see the influences from communism, which is very interesting.

I am now in a small village of about 600 people in the middle of Slovakia, it is gorgeous! I took a 5 hour bus ride to get here, much of Slovakia looks like the Midwest. The quaint villages in the region I am in are right out of a Disney movie. My favorite part are all of the vinyards...the home made wine here is to die for!

I will update again tomorrow with more details of what I have been up to and hopefully some pictures too. I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I am alive and well. Talk to you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a glass of wine for me. I will be making apple pies over the next couple of days, with apples from Stephka's trees. I am so happy that you are having a good and safe time. Love,Mom