Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hello from the beautiful Adreatic Sea!

Hey there everyone! I finally made it to Croatia and it is beautiful! I am on the island of Hvar, on the Dalmatian Coast. I have a cute little studio apartment with a view of the sea. I really don´t want to leave this place...but I have to come home and see my new nephew!

August James Lemmer was born Tuesday afternoon and was 11.1 pounds and almost 24 inches long! Ouch! My mom sent me a picture and he looks just like my sister...kind of creepy!

The first leg of my travels has been amazing, I can´t believe the month is almost up! I have been to some amazing places and learned so much. When I get back on Wednesday I will continue to post to the blog and will get everyone caught up on Prague, Slovakia the second time, and Croatia.

And, I am sure I will have a lot to share as I attempt to help with cooking and cleaning in a household with two dogs and a newborn. I miss everyone so much and cannot wait to get back and catch up. I definitely enjoy traveling by myself, but I am starting to get lonely from time to time. Dinner by the sea would be much more enjoyable with a devistatingly handsome man with a great sense of humor...a nice bank account wouldn´t hurt either :-)

I want to give a shout out to all of my friends at GLP (my former employer)...I hear the studios have switched sides of the office. No more East Side / West Side wars. All I have to say is Jenni D will always rule from the Upper East Side :-) Holla!

I am paying for internet by the minute I have to keep it short. I fly from Croatia to Vienna on Tuesday, then Vienna to Chicago on Wednesday. I will be back to drive you crazy before you know it. Miss you all and I will be in touch soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a safe journey home and can't wait to see ya. Love, MOM and Dad